All niceties!

Lots of nice things going on... It's funny, just when you think things can't get better, they do get better!! And in many ways... In the church I'm in, we're preparing the summer camp for our kids this year (nothing too fancy, just three days). The thing is that I made a kind of silly suggestion of making it based on popular fantasy stories and fairytales as a sort of evasion from reality and the crisis and all that and they bought it! And as my life has been revolving strangely around fantasy and especially around Alice's adventures in Wonderland (I have even a thread with my Lacy alt), I decided to get the book in English (luckily it costed me peanuts!).

This weekend I didn't go to the beach. I don't know, I didn't feel in the mood of going... Just stayed at home and watched some TV (which is something I don't do usually). Anyway I'm sure to get a nice tan by the end of the summer. :)

And my studies are going well. I finished reading a robotics book I had to read for my project (that's part of the reasons why I went to buy the Alice's one. I need some rehab from reading engineering books in English. Yuck!). And although today I was supposed to know the marks for the only exam I had to do, I don't know them yet (one of the subjects that was just a little lab work went better than I thought and I got a B. Yay!).

And I'm still looking at how the prices of laptops go to see if I can buy one. It's funny, an engineering student without an internet connection at home and a laptop... Ssssssh, don't tell people in the engineering association! LOL

So, you see. No time for shopping (well, let's say I'm waiting for the sales). And no partying because I'm in this kind of fake holidays, but my friends are still doing exams... But doing nice.

Even roleplaying. I'm now in the stories I like (maybe a bit too much for the online time I have), with the people I like. The engagement with Bambi for instance has become a pretty story. And people seem to like the video I made for her (I was in doubt at the beginning because I though you would feel it's corny). And I'm enjoying Maths class with Akane or my thread in Josephine's office with her and Monica.

DX keeps on going like always. Lots of threads, lots of classes. Teena and me...

So you see, maybe all the references about Alice in Wonderland were right. Maybe I'm just Nicci in wonderland... At least, in the closest you can get to Wonderland these days... If only the couple of things I want to go well too, were as I want...

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